Ofsted - Outstanding
March 2024
βThe provision is outstanding
Children excitedly arrive at the start of the nursery day, confidently separating from their parents because they are welcomed by kind and attentive staff who know them and their families very well.
Staff skilfully capture children's interest and extend their learning. For example, staff encourage babies to explore a book they have made depicting photos of the range of dressing up shoe's children can choose from. Babies remain engaged as they select different shoes, learn to put them on themselves and then find the corresponding picture in the book. Staff working with older children provide them with a range of resources to ignite their imagination and curiosity. Children use the equipment to construct a map of the world telling staff that they have created an 'ice age, grass lands, a jungle and the sea'. Staff skilfully extend on this learning by asking questions prompting children to think critically. Staff give children time to respond before they excitedly exclaim, 'the jungle animals will survive by drinking water from the sea'.
All children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), thrive because staff have very high expectations of what they can achieve.
Children make excellent progress in relation to their individual starting points and are superbly prepared for their eventual move to school.
Staff benefit from excellent support from the inspirational manager. She provides staff with ongoing support, encouragement, and opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills. Staff express their complete satisfaction in their roles. They feel whole heartedly supported by the manager saying that 'we are what we are as her enthusiasm cascades down to us'.β